Mon. July 11th, 2022
We believe that all gods are real. There are no false gods. We worship the God of Moses and Jesus.
When St. Paul said that for some citizens, their God is their belly, we believe that their belly is not a false god. Not a false god -- the belly is not a god at all, and does not deserve to be worshipped.
When some Christian leaders interpret a Bible verse to mean that some citizens worship Money as their god, we believe that money is not a false god. Not a false god -- money is not a god at all, and does not deserve to be worshipped.
But when people read in history books about gods with foreign names who were worshiped in ancient times, we believe those were real gods. The gods of the Canaanites were real gods. But they were not as good as the God of Moses, and their worship does not deserve to be revived.
And now, when people come from Asia and other places and tell us the name of the god they worship, and it is not one of the names of the God of Jesus, we believe their gods are real gods. But I worship Jesus and God the Father of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, because that is the God of my fathers and of my mothers, and I will not take another God. I have decided to follow Jesus.
If there is any false god at all, it is the god of foolishness and sarcasm. But we believe that the god of foolishness and sarcasm is not a god at all. We believe that the only worshippers of real gods are serious worshippers.
It is an abomination to kill people who worship gods that are not our God. It is an abomination to kill people who do not believe in any God.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Frank Newton