Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Revelation to Francis of the Twin Cities of Heaven

Tuesday Aug. 16th, 2022 

"I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had vanished, and there was no longer any sea.  2  I saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband.  3  I heard a loud voice proclaiming from the throne: 'Now God has his dwelling with mankind!  He will dwell among them and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them.  4  He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.' . . ."  -- Saint John, Revelation, chapter 21 and verses 1 to 4a.

[Here begins the revelation]

Not one heavenly city, but two:
New Jericho and New Jerusalem, side by side, come down out of heaven and made by God,
For God's people to dwell in at the end of time,
After the birthing and the dying are all fulfilled.
These are two cities, one for the oppressed and conquered,
And the other for the oppressor and conqueror.
And they will rejoice eternally
That no person and no animal need ever be killed again,
So that a man may feed his children.
And they will say to each other:
Your baby is my baby, and my child is your child:
There is no more need for sieges,
No need if ever there was for the slaughter of defeated cities.

And look: Baal is singing in Yahweh's heavenly choir.
Yahweh is giving Baal his due.
The dread of worshipping a false God is wiped out of people's hearts --
All Gods are true and real and one.
The Arabs will have Jericho and the Jews will have Jerusalem,
They and the Christians will be at peace,
And the worshippers of the gods of India will come to this twin headquarters
Of the blended and eternally coexistent heavenly God.

The twin cities will be forever at peace:
No one's temple will be demolished,
And if a temple is built on the ruins of another,
Then the ruined one will be rebuilt without demolition of the one that grabbed its ground.
No one will take another's life to defend a temple: God does not work that way.
The givers in each city will give alms to the beggars in the other,
And the beggars will take turns being givers,
And the givers will take turns being beggars. 

This is the twin city of God.
It will be for you and me.

[Here ends the revelation]

Written down by Frank Newton

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