Monday Oct. 24th, 2022
The evil was not in the government. The evil was in the virus. We were handed a massive defeat by a creature so small we can't even see it. It's too bad the children lost two years of education, but there is no use crying over spilt milk. We need to pick up the pieces and move on. The virus was not a plot by evil human beings. It was a tiny creature that we couldn't control. We didn't have the science to control it. But our descendants will have the science to control it, if it tries to come back. We are the strongest species, but sometimes our species loses a battle really badly. The coronavirus was like the battle of Little Big Horn. The virus was in the position of the Dakotas and Cheyennes, and the human beings were in the position of General Custer's soldiers. But I'm not comparing our leaders to General Custer. Don't get me started on that. We did the best we could with the knowledge we had. Dr. Antony Fauci was a saint. It would have been nicer if he had known some things a couple of months earlier than he knew them, but he was doing the best he could, too. "First impressions mean so much" doesn't mean we should cling to our first impressions come hell or high water. When the authorities finally got around to telling us that we were wearing the masks not to protect ourselves, but to protect each other, we SHOULD HAVE SAID, oh this was one of those times when our first impressions were wrong. We have to be willing to revise our ideas when better information comes along. The virus was not about Democrats versus Republicans. It was about human beings versus the coronavirus creature. We lost badly. We have to learn the bitter lessons which losing a war teaches to the people who lost. We have to respect our scientists even when they don't have all the facts. God gets us into heaven, but scientists figure out what the medical profession can do to help us live longer. Scientists are working with God's blessing. Not every tax dollar invested in science is good value for the money, but choosing what science to invest in is partly a crap shoot, and our American authorities are doing the best they can to invest in good science. When Americans say they don't respect NASA, I simply don't believe them. Deep down, every American is proud of what American scientists have accomplished. But some Americans are so out of touch with their inner common sense that they don't even know they are proud of NASA. What is true for rocket science is true for our germ fighters, too.
Frank Newton
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