Monday, January 10, 2022

Pruning the Suffix -Ism

By Frank Newton
Mon. Jan. 10th, 2022

1. Purification

In my country there is a great need for purification; perhaps in other countries, too.  Purification does not mean killing enemies and poisoning their wells.  It means improving the contents of our hearts.

Hearts in the Biblical sense.  It is well known that in the Bible, your heart rarely refers to the thing that pumps blood.  Your heart normally means your attitude center.  The Bible uses "your mind" to refer to your thought center, and "your heart" to refer to your attitude center.

So, in the worship of Holy Communion, "Lift up your hearts" means "Exalt your attitude."  The ‑s at the end of hearts does not mean you have more than one heart.  It means the sentence is addressed to more than one person.  "Lift up your hearts" means "Lift up your heart, all of you."  And going from there, "Lift up your attitude, all of you."

But where was I?  Purification.

2. Purification of Words

An important part of purification is purifying our words.  Words are intimately connected with attitudes and beliefs.  When we purify our words, we are purifying our beliefs.  That is what the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius -- or rather, the guy who translated Mencius into English -- referred to as rectification of names: getting our words right, in order to get our ideas right.

(Notice that, when we describe Mencius as a philosopher, "philosopher" means the same thing as "prophet.")

3. Critique of -ism Words

The first problem with -ism words is that they make your language sound as if you believe that everything can be explained in terms of politics.  That is totally false.  There are a ton of things on our planet that are better explained by farming, by human nature, by God, by accidents of birth, by all kinds of sins (not just greed), by love, by hate, by the rules of the road, and so forth.  The suffix -ism exalts politics above all other explanations of things.  Putting politics on a pedestal by itself is a really bad idea.

Second, words ending in -ism are warlike.  They make people say "Kill!  Kill!"

The third problem with -ism words is that they preach to the choir.  Going back to talking about my country, America is in a pickle.  We desperately need to find ways to talk to fellow Americans who think differently from us.  Saying that Americans who think differently from us are "not real Americans" is simply a mental preparation for killing them.  And killing some of your fellow-Americans because you think they're "not real Americans" is deeply unpatriotic.

But let me get back to the problem of preaching to the choir.  It is our patriotic duty to express our ideas and beliefs in ways that people who disagree with us can understand.  It is also our patriotic duty to express our ideas and beliefs in ways that clueless people can understand.  You need to believe that!

Talking about our beliefs is like teaching arithmetic.  But beware!!  Talking about our beliefs is not like making other people memorize something.  It is like talking about one and two and three, in ways that clueless people can understand.

That's what we need to do.  We need to talk about one and two and three in ways that clueless people can understand.  That means getting rid of a ton of words ending in -ism that clutter up our rhetoric -- that make our words meaningless to the very people who need to hear them -- that clog the arteries of our political system and harden our hearts -- words that are driving us toward the madness of  civil war, because of our mindless worship of fancy words when we should be cultivating plain speaking without coarseness, plain speaking tempered with politeness and motivated by desire to explain ourselves.

4. Replacements for Stupid and Uninspired -ism Words

activism                  political involvement
ageism                    prejudice against old people
Americanism          patriotism of Americans
Aristotelianism       philosophy à la Aristotle
asterism                  pile of asterisks
Caledonianism        Scottish patriotism, patriotism of the Scots
Calvinism               following John Calvin's teachings
clericalism              worship of the clergy
collaborationism     supporting the occupier
colloquialism          a colloquial word or phrase
constructivism        constructiveness
defeatism                defeatist thinking
despotism               tyranny
eclecticism             eclecticalness.  (You can also say eclectic-ness.  For some reason, eclectic-alness sounds better to me.)
emotionalism          crying and grieving
equestrianism          horse-riding
exoticism                love for exotic pictures
fanaticism               fanaticalness
formalism               1. formality.  2. dithering about form.
functionalism          making things functional; making things that work
idealism                  idealist thinking
imperialism             empire-building
institutionalism       worship of institutions
Marxism                 Marxist thinking
messianism             hankering after a messiah
minimalism             pruning
monasticism            monastic life
monotheism            "One God Only"
mysticism               mystical philosophy
negativism              negative thinking
nihilism                   the "Nothing Matters" philosophy
nonsensicalism        nonsense
obstructionism        getting in the way, blocking the path
Platonism                philosophy à la Plato
polytheism              worshipping many gods
radicalism               radicalness
realism                    philosophy of sticking to the facts
regionalism             any regional word or phrase
revivalism               reviving religion
royalism                  1. supporting the king.  2. supporting kings.
secessionism           support for secession
Southernism           any Southern word or phrase
survivalism             1. survival skills.  2. fascination with survival skills.
symbolism              1. symbol.  2. symbols.  3. symbol-lovers. 

For some words, the replacement will need to be long, or multifaceted, or both.

annihilationism                        1. belief that the world will end in the transformation of Everything into Nothing.
 2. a bloody and wicked desire to kill a lot of people.

anti-Americanism                    knee-jerk opposition to Americans

anti-capitalism                         knee-jerk opposition to capitalism

antidisestablishmentarianism  resistance to getting rid of special privileges for a certain branch of Christianity

apocalypticism                        dithering about the end of the world

Arianism                                  Christians following Arius

Arminianism                            Christians following Arminius

Atticism                                  imitating Athenian Greek

boosterism                               1. irritating attempts to increase everyone's awareness of your home­town.

                                                2. ugly songs to praise a big city, like "New York! New York! a Wonderful Town."

chauvinism                              patriotism taken to crazy extremes

colonialism                              1. colony-making.

                                                2. squatting on land with the help of your army.

                                                3. treating someone else's country as your Promised Land.

creationism                              1. belief that the universe was created by God.

                                                2. teaching that the universe was created by God during the scheduled time for teaching science.

ecumenism                              1. bringing Christians together.

                                                2. bringing different religions together.

determinism                            [You tell me what this means, and we'll figure out what to replace it with.]

egoism or egotism                   1. me-first thinking.

                                                2. trampling on the rights of others.

Elizabethanism                        1. the energy and style of the English people in the Age of Elizabeth the First.

                                                2. imitating the energy and style of the English people in the Age of Elizabeth the First.

empiricism                               being guided by experience and experiments

environmentalism                    taking nature seriously

escapism                                  admiring beautiful things when you should be preparing to fight

estheticism                              1. neglecting to feed your children so you'll have more time for art.

                                                2. hoity-toity gestures and a hoity-toity tone of voice.

exceptionalism                        1. arrogance.

                                                2. allowing your feeling of superiority to sabotage your dealings with foreigners.

Gallicism                                 1. a Gallicism means a French expression.

                                                2. Gallicism also means love of all things French.

heathenism                              non-Christianity

Hitlerism                                 witless support for wicked leaders

industrialism                            1. factory-building.

                                                2. worship of factories.

                                                3. forcing people off their farms.

intellectualism                         being "sicklied over (or o'er) with the pale cast of thought," as Hamlet said, or fascinated by "useless and pointless knowledge," as Bob Dylan said

Jeffersonianism                       [Help me out here.  Maybe I'm supposed to know what this means, but I don't.]

Lancastrianism                        support for the House of Lancaster

librarianism                              excessive love of call numbers

mannerism                               an attempt at stylishness

mentalism                                [You tell me what this means, and we'll figure out what to replace it with.]

militarism                                giving up too easily on peaceful solutions

minimalism (in art)                  eliminating luxuriance in art

modernism                              1. the modern age.

                                                2. modern thinking.

                                                3. worship of modernity.

nationalism                              nations hating each other

nativism                                   1. harsh treatment of immigrants.

                                                2. support for the small minority of people who are the original inhabitants.

naturalism                                1. a nature-loving attitude.

                                                2. nature-based thinking.

                                                3. naturalness.

nominalism                              [You tell me what this means, and we'll figure out what to replace it with.]

operationalism                         [You tell me what this means, and we'll figure out what to replace it with.]

Pan-Slavism                            the belief that Slavic countries need to support each other

parochialism                            1. narrow or petty loyalties (same as tribalism).

                                                2. narrow loyalties in Europe.

pastoralism                              1. sheep-herding.

                                                2. wanting to live like a shepherd, dreaming of a shepherd's life.

paternalism                              thinking that the father is always the smarter parent

post-modernism                      trying to figure out what comes after modernism

pre-millennialism                     [People who understand the Book of Revelation can figure out another word for this.]

pseudo-intellectualism            pretending to be an intellectual

                                                Note.  I am not against the word pseudo-intellectual.  The point is: when you commit the sin of adding -ism, your punishment should be, not only do you have to replace the suffix -ism, but you also have to replace the prefix pseudo-.

puritanism                               fanatical dislike of earthly thinking

recidivism                                getting thrown back in prison again

revisionism                              useless tinkering with ideas

roboticism                               doing the robot walk

sensationalism                         prurient interests; getting paid to scratch someone else's itch

supernaturalism                       belief in things that science can't explain

transcendentalism                   the ideas of Emerson and Thoreau

tribalism                                  narrow or petty loyalties

Trinitarianism                          thinking of God as a cloverleaf

triumphalism                           dragging the captured enemy through your capital city in a parade, and then strangling them (one by one, or all at once)

Victorianism                            thinking like Queen Victoria's generation

Zionism                                   1. a movement for Jews to return to the Promised Land.

                                                2. taking back the Promised Land.

⁂ There are so many of these critters!  This is only a beginning.

Note. I am not asking you to write "Pan-Slavism (the belief that Slavic countries need to support each other)."  I am asking you to avoid the word "Pan-Slavism" completely.  Telling people what "Pan-Slavism" means (outside of a dictionary) just opens the door for this giant mush and mishmash of rarely-understood words to creep back into our language.

What is more,  I am also asking people who make Russian-English dictionaries not to translate "панславизм" as "Pan-Slavism."  I am asking them to translate it as "the belief that Slavic countries need to support each other."  Don't even let English-speakers suspect that our ancestors allowed this crushed automobile to come into the English language!!

5. Compromising on -ism

We cannot get rid of all -ism words, because some of them are too useful or widespread, and figuring out what to replace them with would be a waste of time.  We need to make a list of protected -ism words.  Here is a beginning.

Words to Keep -- baptism, Buddhism, capitalism, communism, conservativism, criticism, cynicism, extremism, Fascism, heroism, Judaism, liberalism, optimism, patriotism, pessimism, skepticism, socialism, Stoicism.  Also words for the beliefs and ideas of other religious groups: atheism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Methodism, Presbyterianism, etc.

Other Words to Keep -- Words which do not include the "-ism" idea, such as aneurysm, cataclysm, prism, schism.

 I think baptism and criticism are keepers.  Although "baptism" and "criticism" sound like they include the "-ism" idea, in fact they are just words people use instead of "baptization" and "criticization."  So I say it's okay to keep "baptism" and "criticism."  Whatever -- I'm not yet convinced we need to replace "-ization" words.  For example, I like civilization.

6. Purification of Words Again

I am completely against political correctness, but that's way too big to fit into this essay!

7. Conclusions

* -Ism is an out-of-control suffix.  With a few exceptions -- think of optimism and pessimism -- words ending in -ism make your language completely incomprehensible to most of your fellow-citizens, and especially to the man on the street.

* Looking at the lists of replacements above shows that, in many cases, I am asking you to speak in shorter words, but more words.  For a good purpose: to make your babble compre­hensible to your fellow-citizens.

* With a few exceptions, words ending in -ism should be replaced with almost anything else that makes sense in context.

* The rarer an -ism word is, the more it needs to be replaced with something else.

* If the -ism word expresses a positive attitude, you should replace it with another expression that conveys a positive attitude.  If the -ism word expresses a negative attitude, you should replace it with another expression that conveys a negative attitude.

Let's close with a quotation from "The Leader of the Pack":

"Get the picture? -- We see."